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Setting Up an Express App

I’ve used Express frequently enough that I am now fairly quick at setting up Express for development and production. Today I wish to share this setup process with you so that I can be mocked and ridiculed for my naivety. Is this imposter syndrome? Maybe. Do I care? Kind of. Hold on, I need to psych myself up.

Express | tutorial | backend | Node.js
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Templating with Pug - Solutions to Common Problems

Today we will learn about Pug, a popular templating engine often used for server-side rendering. Template engines use templates to create HTML, and in Pug these templates can use parameters, inline JavaScript, and other features such as template inheritance. I gained a lot of experience with Pug when I was playing with the monolithic architecture approach to website building, so I figured I might as well share some knowledge on the subject. This will not be a full tutorial, since you can easily find out about the basics using the <a rel="noopener" href="https://pugjs.org/api/getting-started.html" title="Pug documentation">official Pug documentation.</a>

pug | express | node
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How to SASS - A Beginner's Approach

Welcome class! Now gather around, because I’m about to tell you a story… about my approach for styling with SASS, or Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets! No wait, don’t leave!

sass | css | bem